Saturday, August 27, 2011


Okay I have no excuses...three years of not blogging is Can I just say that after I finished my masters, I got a new job and here I am three years later catching up with everyone. I still love my sisterlocks. More than ever and I have had so much growth I am just going to have to post pictures of it. Now it has kind of taken on a life of its own, some days I wonder how I am going to fix all the craziness going on in my head ( locks that have been combined, cut off, etc.). However, most days I look in the mirror and I feel such fierce love for my hair it is shameful :). Anyway I am back. Whoo Hoo!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Finally awake and took pictures of my fabulous hair. And this was after takin a nap.....As always I love my sisterlocks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bad Blogger

Okay it is official, I am one of the worst bloggers. I was supposed to be updating once a week...what happened to that? Anyway, now I have so much to say I do not know where to begin. Oh yeah the caruso them, love them, love them. I think it just took me a while to figure out how to work with them. Even though the curls don't stay in forever, it just makes my hair look great. One of the ladies at my school, came up to me three days in a row asking what I had done. I told her the caruso curlers everytime and she was like " oh yeah girlfriend that is it right there" I tried the jumbo soft spikes and I don't really like those curls either. I think I am roling my hair wrong. I don't know, I think I will have to work with those also. Anyway I should have taken a picture today to post, because my hair looked fabulous today. I am a little ashamed to admit that I was sitting in church today and I look at the pastor on the screen and they panned in a shot of the church members and I thought...ooh that ladies hair is sooo cute. The camera continued to pan in and whaa laaa guess who it was. Isn't that a shame, I was admiring my own hair in church. Please pray for me. Anyway I may get up later and take a pic to put on, cause really what is the fun in reading about something you can not see.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Mad Scientist

Okay I recognize that I am cheating by posting twice in one day. However, the other blog I wrote a while ago, it has been sitting in drafts and therefore does not count as being written today. This posting is dedicated to caruso curlers, for some reason I can not give up on them. So I temporarily turned into this mad scientist. Trying all kinds of conditioners and setting lotions to make these curls stay in. I finally found the perfect combination for getting great curls. So I start by putting lottabody in my hair and then I sit under my gold and hot dryer(pictured here). Then once my hair is dry and I start putting the caruso rollers in my hair. Next I put the hair dryer back on my head and dry my hair again with the caruso rollers in...when I take the rollers out whaa laaa and they stay in all day this picture was actually taken 8 hours after I curled it on a VERY windy day! So I feel like a mad scientist trying to find different ways to make curls that don't look like gericurls. I know that is a lot of work, but it was worth it. Hope my crazy obsession with curls helps someone. God bless!

oh and I have been noticing that all of my pictures are taken in my bedroom.......hmm don't quite know what to say about that, will just explain that this is where my biggest and best mirror is (yeah that is my story and I am stickin to it)

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Where have you been?

Okay I try to believe all the lifelong learning stuff that I am feeding my students. It sounded really good until I was working 40 ( really 80) hours a week and trying to get my masters. I started out so excited about going to school and making outlines and reading all the chapters and that lasted for a week. I never knew I could be so tired. Add to that the fact that I REALLY enjoy the subject matter that I teach. So while some teachers recycle their lessons, I am constantly reading books and listening to the news and getting inspiration for new lessons. I teach world cultures ( what could be better than that?). Anyway, I say all of that to say I shouldn't have time for my hair. Really on the week days I do not. I do however have time to spend money on my hair. So I finally tried the caruso rollers, because I had seen them on so many blogs. I was not impressed. Major complaint is that the curls stay in for ten minutes. The picture at the tope of this post was after two minutes. At the end of the day I feel like I am right back to a freestyle. I don't love the sets with the loc loops because they are too tight. Hmmm what is a girl to do. Well I am vigilant, I will find the perfect hairstyle. I am ordering jumbo soft spikes this week. I will confess I am so cheap I did think about putting two loc loops together to make them thicker(I know, craziness). I think I am going to just buy the jumbo soft spikes. That will put me at five different types of rollers, I am afraid to tell anyone that and I still think that if breadbasket (still thinking of a name) looks under my sink when he comes home he is going to scream. Anyway here are some pics of some sets that I have tried. Tomorrow I am going to try the loc lops and sit under a dryer and use lotta body....that has to work. I keep looking at the box and wondering about this wonderful molecular hold that I have not seen. OH! how could I forget, I have converted one of my friends....whoo hoo. She is getting sisterlocks. I am so happy, and I wasn't even trying to convince her I just kept showing her the blogs that I love this summer and I guess she kept reading and now she is converting. I can't wait, will have to post pics. Anyway, I still LOVE my hair. I get stopped on the street and today I was at the store and the lady who was ringing me up was staring at me and then she said "I am so sorry, but I love your hair!" So I said thank you and floated out of the store, only to realize that I forgot to tell her what they were and how she could get least some good blogs to go to......oh well maybe next time. I need to get some great business cards made. As always God Bless and drop me a message if you stop by.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Loc Loops, Weight Stalkers and other Joys of Life

Okay initially I thought I would post every Sunday, but I missed this Sunday. Also I have so much great stuff to talk about during the week so when I post one day a week it is hard to keep my posts from becoming novels during an interesting week. I naturally talk a lot ( so much so that my boyfriend seems to be constantly having to do "important" military business whenever I start a story...yeah right) so I am going to post on Sundays definitely and then if something great happens I will add an extra day.

Let me update on my hair...I finally have pictures of my hair after using the loc loops.I loved the curls that they produced, but is it just me or do these curls look a little gericurlesque (new word) They looked just like the pencil curls to me. Maybe it is just my own paranoia. Anyway I received many compliments. I think I have found a good easy hair style. I would like the curls to be looser. I think I am going to have to buy the caruso steam rollers. I am going to go broke behind my sisterlocks!

Okay so I have been trying to lose weight for the 100th time. I am a career dieter. I know that you are supposed to eat healthy and not diet, but eating healthy feels like a diet to me. My grandmother ( who constantly has some home cooked goodness or sweets at her house to torture me) laughs every time I tell her I am eating healthy. She told me that I start a new diet every Monday. Well I am determined to change that. I am going to start on Tuesday from now on :)

So anyway on the first day of school ( I am teacher) when I get to know the children, I always talk about something personal so the kids don't feel so intimidated. This time I told all 110 of my students that it is important to eat healthy, blah blah. You know all the stuff a responsible adult should say to students. I casually mentioned that I was going to eat healthy so I could live longer and then I joked that if they saw me around the school with a chocolate bar they should remind me to eat healthy. Yeah...about that....I love all of my students ( the kids are the reason why teaching is the GREATEST profession in the world), but these kids are like diet drill sergeants (or stalkers). If they see me anywhere, including the grocery store outside of school they are like "Ms. _______ I thought you said you were eating healthy? Is that on your diet?" I even had a child scream noooooooooooo!!! and run across the grass to stop me from eating a chocolate bar that the evil cheerleading sponsor sold to me (and she is supposed to be helping me lose weight). To add to it, I have found that they are tracking my progres Sunday I was grading papers at school (yes you can get rid of this unbelievable notion that teachers work 8 to 4 mon-fri) and I discovered this. I don't know if you can read it, but it is a student's silent version of a high five. It says you lost some weight. Funny! Initially it made me laugh like crazy ( It is true by the way 10 pounds, Whoo Hoo!). Contrary to the other teachers belief( yes I showed it to them...we all need good laughs) he did not put that to get a better grade( they are haters). I did not realize that my one comment a month ago would become my students obsession, it is a little strange. I have just decided to embrace it and accept that my students love me as I do them and they want me to live forever. Anyway, it provided a great laugh and I will probably tell this story for years.

Finally, I was informed by boyfriend (still have not thought of cool code name for him) that I am a lazy blogger. He called all the way from Iraq to read my mistakes ( i.e. using where when I meant wear) . I informed him that I typed that at 11 00 p.m. and I was tired and my grammar is horrible anyway (I teach history not english). He quickly let me know that he was not buying that and that he knew it was pure laziness ( he is right I STRONGLY DISLIKE editing anything). Anyway, he says it must come to a stop ( at this point I offered him the editor position, he declined) and he is right. I sometimes go on the web and read my blog and cringe at the mistakes. So I will stop...I think....unless I am really tired and need to post.....Okay, Okay I will stop. Now if you see mistakes we will chalk it up to the fact that I am not a good editor :) Also, I am shopping for a camera!! I hate it so far. I keep telling people I need clear pictures, and a low price. Apparently there are more things that I should consider. Soon I will have something other than the headshots I have been taking with my phone...stay tuned. So anyway God bless as always please drop a note and let me know what you think!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Bad Hair Day, What is that?

Whoo Hoo Five Weeks down and a lifetime to go. Okay let me apologize for the pictures ahead of time, I desperately need to get a new digital camera. My ancient camera finally bit the dust in an unfortunate incident involving a bottle of water and the bottom of my purse. Therefore all pictures will come from my phone until further notice.

I took this picture at the end of the day to see how these curls had held up. I was very pleased with it. I hated it that morning. I tried rolling my hair with a pencil the night before (something I read in a blog...I know, I know I said I would stop trying everything I read). Anyway, you basically roll your hair around a pencil and then slide the pencil out and secure it with a bobby pen, when you wake up then you have these great curls. The only problem is that they were way too tight. Like geri curl tight(Thankfully can not remember how to spell this horrible hairstyle). So maybe that is a good way to wear longer, more mature locks. However, I will not try it again because I don't favor the geri curl sisterlocks look. On a happier note I received these beautiful flowers from my boo (will have to think of a great name like breadbasket for my man, you will only understand this if you are a brunsli blog reader) after a questionable work week. I have never loved flowers, but these totally made my day. This picture was after I had them for four days, they were beautiful.

So I ordered some loc loops and they came in. I have curled my hair with them twice and I love the curls that I get with them (pics later) but the curls are gone by the end of the day. I am so frustrated, does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep my curls in.

Also I finally completed my first wash! I was so scared, because of the bootleg locks in the front. I thought they would all come out. They did not, but it made my scalp extremely dry. I found this out the next day when a male colleague asked me why I had a grey spot in the front of my head with a strange look on his face (as if he did not know). So I am oiling and drinking lots of water to combat this lovely problem. Finally, let the revolution begin, one of my friends on the creamy crack ( I love that term, it never fails to make me laugh) is telling people how great sisterlocks are. I am like girl you need to jump on the train too. I will have to keep praying for her :) As always I still love, love my locs. Oh and I apologize in advance to all of the grammar phobes that read this blog. God Bless!